• Clocksstriking13@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    I can’t figure out where all the lemmy people posting about reddits “power tripping power mods” were posting. I think I ran across one mod in the wild (niche sub) that I thought was crazy and they got run off the platform eventually. What were people posting that they were getting banned all over the place? Maybe the mods weren’t the problem if multiple were banning you?

    • InternetTubes@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I remember posting about lore outside DnD (Guild Wars 2) to a comic about dragons in dndmemes, which got downvoted because no one understood the reference and it probably didn’t belong there. Mod there still decided to go full on gestapo and begin to question it while I just wanted to move on from a comment I made in a post that showed up on my front page for a reason, and he decided to permaban me from the subreddit for no good reason.

      You’ll have to take my word that I wasn’t combative or that it wasn’t actually something far worse, or you can claim it as people who defend these actions without knowing the circumstances usually do. Literally was my only comment in dndmemes, it wasn’t abusive and the worst that could be claimed was that it probably held only personal relevance to me (but it was already downvoted so it didn’t really require much action).

      Who knows if they just didn’t like something else in my comment history, listened to some arbitrary troll gaslighting my user from some past argument, or if they were just more pissed off than usual because of some unrelated event in their lives and made a user permanently pay for it by getting madder at a comment than they should have. There’s no judiciary or any appreciation of why we have a judiciary in the real world in these sort of websites.