For me, it’s sticking my hand out of the window of a moving car. Whether I’m driving or not, I love having the windows down and waving my hand in the wind. I’ve loved it since I was a child and I’ll never stop doing it!
I still ride my loaded grocery cart down the parking lot to my car after each trip. It’s the little things in life.
You’ve got the wheels right there, no reason not to use them.
Work smarter not harder.
Hell yeah! I thought I was the only person who did that. It’s fun and efficient.
On a similar note, they make healies in adult sizes. Got a pair for my 21st as a gag gift, and ended up using them to walk my dog all the time. He’s a lil guy, but hes a dense 15lbs of muscle and he could pretty easily pull me up to that “oh shit” speed.
I remember there being a guy in one of my college classes who’d roll down the aisle of the lecture hall on healies to his seat everyday. What a legend.
I love skating in the parking lot with an empty shopping cart! But since I had a little unhappy accident I’m a bit afraid of using a cart full of groceries.
I don’t trust people who don’t do this at least once per shopping trip.
Wait…adults don’t do this? Shit, my parents always did, and I do because it’s faster than walking xD
Walking/balancing on curbs, retaining walls, downed trees in the forest - pretty much anything.
Yeah, I do that too.
I did that 5 minutes ago when I went to get lunch… Sometimes I worry people will think I’m a kid
Just say you’re doing parkour ;)
Yup. Do that too like when I’m walking through a parking lot or something. Keeps me feeling young!
Running up stairs on all fours, like a monkey I am 40 years old
Congrats on still being able to bend over at 40! I’m 2 years from 30 and everytime I bend over something pops lol.
If you’re not stretching daily, you’re gonna hate life. I’m also not stretching daily so uhhh do as I say not as I do? Lol
I can recomend to do just something easy. Find easiest and shortest routine (that lasts 2 minutes, literally) and do it in the morning.
Since I startet it, I feel much much better. It is not like full exercise, but at least muscles don’t hurt as much.
I do:
- Head and Shoulder Rolls x5 to each side
- Hip Circles:l x5 to each side
- Arm Circles x5 to each side
- squats x10
- some others similar warm up exercises when I feel like it (ex. malasana squat)
Idea is to move every muscle in my body. It is not hard, lasts 2-3 minutes but makes my day few percents nicer.
You should add in toe touches, everyone should be able to touch their toes without bending at the knees. I recommend bending you’re knees, touch your toes, straighten your knees out till you feel the stretch, hold for a few seconds, do like 10 times.
It’s just more efficient!
Me too bro. We all have a MONKE inside us.
It’s not that often that I’m in a car I’m not driving anymore, but when I’m a passenger you can bet your ass I’m imagining a little ninja dude running along side the car, doing sick ninja flips over stuff on the side of the road.
For me it’s a skateboarder. Doing kickflips into grinding the rails and using the environment as ramps and obstacles. Tunnels suck.
Same, but for me it’s a BMX bike.
Dune buggy
I thought I was the only one that did this! Glad to know there are others out there!
Beat me to it bro
I have summers off from work (am a teacher), which I COULD be using to get tons of errands done, renovating the house, working out, etcetc. However, I am currently spending it sleeping in, playing too many video games, staying up late, crafting, reading, etc, which is exactly what I did during summer as a kid as well. It’s been nice :)
What kind of things do you craft?
How whimsical…
Too many things, sporadically!
I tend to hop between different craft types randomly, depending on my current interest. But some of the ones I’ve enjoyed at various times the last year or so are crocheting (learning how to make little stuffed animals right now!!), watercolor and gouache painting, putting miniature kits together, origami, simple jewelry making, pottery, etc! :)
I don’t get to do it much anymore, but watching cartoons on Saturday morning.
Oh man, Saturday morning cartoons just hit the spot! A bowl of cereal with the addition of a cup of coffee.
I discovered there’s giant 5 hour+ videos of entire Saturday morning cartoon blocks from all different networks from the 90s on YouTube. Complete with bumpers and vintage ads.
I have to be up early on Saturdays now because the baby doesn’t understand sleeping in so I put these on.
Mind sharing the name of the YouTube channel? Sounds like something future me needs tomorrow or Sunday morning :)
Sometimes when I drive into a roundabout I’ll do a couple laps just for fun
I used to work for a day program that had us taking care of adults with developmental disabilities. I used to love doing this with them. Everyone had a ball and would be laughing and treating it like a roller coaster.
I wouldn’t ever say anything, they just caught on after the first spin. I miss those simpler days.
This is the most adorable thing I have read in a while
I used to take the long route in the bus because it had more hills :)
Way to brighten someone’s day with something simple. Super awesome!
I’ve never done this but reading this made me want to go do it next time!
Same! That roundabout happens to be right next to where we work on our racecar so it feels extra fun lol
when you go shopping, push off with your trolley and pull yourself up to go for a little ride down an empty isle. 40m and I still do it
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Came here to post something similar. I’m in my 30s but can’t resist going for a little “cart-ride” in the parking lot when going back to my car.
I could never get those damn things to go straight for very far.
It slows you down a bit too, but you can steer by using one of your feet to create a bit of drag on one of the rear wheels. It’s pretty intuitive because left makes you go left and right makes you go right.
At home I exclusively go up-stairs on all fours
I had to start doing that when I got old
That’s hilarious and I love it!!
Me and my wife (no kids) have recently decided to do the ‘stuff you enjoyed being a kid’ type outings. Such as dino parks, castles, zoos, theme parks.
If you are an adult having kids is usually how you end up in those places and we decided just to do those things for ourselves.
You know, I don’t think I’ve ever thought about your second point. That’s a pretty great idea!
Have fun! It’s even better if you can pay attention and don’t have to manage the short attention span of the kids.
Sandwich biscuits (like Oreo and the likes, but there are plenty local brands) are extremely popular among kids where I live. I still eat them, the same way as I did as a kid: split them in halves, eat the filling-less halves, and then join the halves with filling so I get to eat biscuits with 2x more filling.
Oh thank god I’m no longer alone! Not that I probably was, I imagine tons of people do this, but I was the only one in my family that did. Whoo! There are at least two of us now!
Wait. What? I’m not the only one doing this weird shit, yay!
Happened so much they came out with double stuffed oreos… to which I clearly still did the same and had “4x” the center
I love my nuggies as much as the next self respecting autistic, but I’ve bitten into too many bones to stay with the dinos… Even if they’d slap with the air fryer now. 😢
Which would you advise to a hungry person with not enough chicken nuggets in their lives?
I go with whatever giant bag I can grab at Costco.
Those just hit different
Thr pterodactyls are the best.
Stepping on crunchy leaves
Can’t help it either… and when you get a real good one, that’s all dry and super loud and crunchy… yes
Perfection 👌🏻
Same for crunchy dirt when it’s cold enough but there’s not too much snow
Balance on random things when I’m walking. Also imagine racing my cart sometimes when I’m at the store.
Panther run up the stairs :3
Lol, gonna trying this again for old times sake