We’re you dating a 30 year old at 20?
We’re you dating a 30 year old at 20?
I like to say that once you hit 30 you’re old, then every 10 years thereafter you get another “really” in front of it. So at 40 you’re really old, 50 it’s really really old, 60 is really really old, etc. I find it amusing when people argue, to which my retort is that when any of us were ~20 we thought 30 was old, and that hasn’t changed in the world…
The world would be a much better place if we placed nature’at least at the same level of care as we place generalized human need.
I used to wait until the last minute to board, until the time I had to put my carry on bag at the back of the plane and my personal item under the seat and ended up being the last person off. One of the more uncomfortable flights I’ve been on.
Beside each race portrait there is an expanded menu that shows what makes them happy. Referencing this menu is essential to ensure your workers don’t die or leave. I pretty much always get a lumber mill or carpenter asap to help speed up plank production too. Cloth and brick production are pretty essential too, but with planks alone you can at least get everyone housed in the large shelters.
*Never will the USA government as it is currently established under the existing constitution and electoral process will these changes be made. It is very possible that the union could fail at any moment and history seems to indicate it’s probably not that far from a collapse as a nation.
Have you seen Hallmark films? The $$$ to finance them being made is the only skill required!
Clerks is definitely more iconic, but it feels like the transition from the 80s into the 90s. I put my vote with Mallrats, which is 90s through and thorough - hell, there’s even a 90210 reference delivered directly to Shannen Doherty.