Indicates how many seashells were installed in each room.
What you’re seeing here is numbered doors of toilet stalls.
This picture is from the inside of a restroom area, so any gender icons would be the outside of any door in here anyway.
ytf do they number their stalls? is it like: “help, my zipper’s stuck! I’m in stall oo. Whatever you do, don’t go into stall o!”
“where did you say you were?”
(sighs) “stall oo, toilet |||, co-sharing toilet roll ~~~. Hurry!”
“Hey Randy, grab the bucket, someone’s had explosive diarrhea all over stall three again.”
Putting in a support ticket. “Flushing problem in stall two of the toilets on the second floor.”
So Randy doesn’t need to go through all the flushes to find the broken one.
I read “stall oo” in my head pronounced like in “food” which is hilariously useless information for those needs
Stalloo! Stalloo! A-hunting we shall go!
Some people take a long time - why would a restaurant leave that market untapped? Everyone gets snacky sometimes
Legitimate question… Why?
Easy identification by cleanup or maintenance crew, I’d gather
I fuckin knew it! I immediately assumed it was a stupid numbing scheme, I’ve been in way too many restaurants/bars/pubs…
This is confusing as I’ve never seen a toilet stall that is just a regular room, rather than a cubicle divider thing
The airport near Stockholm. Private little rooms. Everyone has a loo and a sink and room to change. It’s so humane.
I mean if the sink was in the same room as the toilet, I would understand, separate rooms is very strange though
I use the handicapped stall at work for that privacy. Need to do a little song and dance to get my clothes and tool belt arranged, and I get my own sink.
For any haters, as the handicapped say, it’s accessible, not reserved. (And not many handicapped folks in a hardware store.)
Most hotels, restaurants, and cafés in Europe have singular private stalls like this.
Gas stations, clubs, airports and schools might have a big restroom with dividers, but if they are fancy enough they might still have private rooms.
Public toilets and campsites rarely have private rooms.
That’s how most public toilets are. Who the fuck wants to be in cubicle to do their private business?
Don’t kink shame.
Don’t sink shame.
The one on the right are for users of these
And the left is for bicyclists?
That would make sense, yes, let’s go with that.
Yeah, so im gonna need three of these.
He doesn’t know how to use the three rings.
I had to scroll down this far?.. What is this nation coming to?
Mellow greetings
When you’re Nonbinary every bathroom feels like this, not because you don’t know which is which but because you don’t know which choice is more wrong or will get you in more trouble.
Out of curiosity, what do you usually choose? I would imagine men tend to be less likely to care, but also maybe more dangerous if they do happen to care.
I usually go in the women’s room because people clock me more feminine than masc. Men’s room is very risky because they might not care but they might also be violent. If the bathroom is busy I pee sitting down so no one sees my feet facing the wrong way, I don’t really like it and it feels awkward to do which is why I pee standing up when it’s not busy or no one else is in there. I have been caught a few times and the women gave me shit for it, though it was always yelling, chastising, or slurs, they never got violent with me. Most violent one got was grabbing my ear and escorting me out of the bathroom. I don’t know if I could trust the men to do the same. I heard a story of a trans woman who was physically and sexually assaulted and murdered in a men’s room. That story is very much burned into my mind.
I usually try to avoid public bathrooms in general but lately that’s been harder.
I usually end up holding it in so the one at my house ;(
(If it’s bad I go to the bathroom which matches my agab though but it’s not been necessary often)
I’d go w/ the female bathroom, because I think men are more likely to get pointlessly violent about stuff like this.
Men don’t give a shit about who is in their bathroom, in my experience. Women, on the other hand, often stopped and harassed me when I was presenting female but cut my hair short (AFAB).
I’ve been harassed, yelled at, and insulted by women in the women’s room, but at least they never physically assaulted me. I don’t know if I could count on the men in the men’s room not to do the same and I’d rather not take the chance. I remember a story about a trans woman who was killed in the men’s room and it still gives me chills thinking about it.
Huh, that’s surprising. People can absolutely be cruel.
That’s what I usually do. Some people get mad or annoyed with me but I imagine it could be physically dangerous to go into the men’s room.
I think I’d disagree there, unless youra woman walking in half undressed i doubt you’d get more than a questioning glance if that, on top of the fact that it seems like a much lower bar to pass as male.
Honestly, short of the Karen type who is looking around for things to get pissed about you probably won’t hear much of a fuss in the restrooms themselves on either side, really seems like the butt hurt people are men worried about who’s going into the women’s room, or women worried about the potential rather than anything that’s actually happening in the moment.
Not how it works at all.
I think it not working is the point.
Hey pal, FYI not all NonBinary experiences are the same. I commented sharing my experience. If your experience is different, you could’ve just said that instead of being rude or trying to say I’m wrong for feeling the way I do.
2 circles is if you need to #2, 3 of you need to take a #3.
There’s no place for a number 1. If you’re not going to shit, then you’re not allowed to pee either.
No no no, you just piss in the sink instead
Better to piss in the sink, than to sink in the piss
I gotta go, I gotta take a number three.
That’s a piss and a shit and a wank in a treeThat’s the only reason I suggested a #3. Thanks for spreading the good word.
a man of culture
The place for number 1 is to the right.
Is it possible to #2 and not #1? I don’t think my plumbing works that way.
Actually now that I think about it, back in highschool one of my friends took a shit in someone’s vegetable crisper and I don’t recall him pissing all over the place when he did. So it must be possible.
It’s technically possible for everyone, barring some specific quirk or injury, but men generally find it easier to only shit. I looked it up a while ago and the research was American, so I do wonder if it’s because American men tend to pee standing up and they therefore have a bigger mental barrier between #1 and #2.
I’d like to see the study repeated with men who sit to pee or women who stand (it’s possible and not inherently more difficult than for men, but clothing and culture make it a lot less common than the other way around), because I suspect that the mental barrier is the key here.
I suspect there’s a difference because of other culture-related urination urges. I grew up doing a lot of swimming in lakes, and I was never really discouraged from peeing in the lake, as long as I wasn’t right next to someone (probably pretty gross for some people, but I honestly can’t bring myself to find it very gross). That’s my main experience with rapid, immersive temperature changes, and I still feel an almost overwhelming urge to pee when getting into or out of the shower or any body of water. I can pee immediately before getting into the shower, but that doesn’t make a difference. Infants have the temperature response too, which is why you need to be careful changing a diaper in the cold, lest you get peed on. It can be trained out of you though: a friend of mine grew up swimming competitively and had a lot of experience jumping into and out of pools, where she was discouraged from peeing (thankfully). She no longer feels any temperature related urge to pee that she notices.
Honestly, this is a much more thoughtful and thorough response than I was expecting.
That’s entirely fair, I think my medication kicked in partway through that comment, lol.
#3 is puke.
I was going off of the video by the “Northern Boys” EisFrei posted.
no worries. i was going off the original: janitors in the los angeles unified school district in like the 1960s, radio reporting bathroom incidents without making kids giggle. #4 was blood.
Haha nice. I do know of #3 you referred to. I just like that song, and think their #3 is hilarious.
You don’t do a #3, a #3 is when your kid does a massive high pressure shit, it squirts up out the back of the nappy and into their clothes. Just hope it doesn’t happen indoors, or in the car or really anywhere.
Had that happen in a restaurant. I was at the opposite end of the packed restaurant from the restrooms. I got a lot knowing nods from a lot of folks as I walked through holding the very smelly child at arms length due to the amount of soilage at play
Ooof. Been there. But I was going off of the video by the “Northern Boys” that EisFrei posted.
I assume the left is two nuts. The right is a head over two boobs.
Stupidly cryptic, though.
Oh man I thought left was boobs and right was dick and balls.
one brother lies… the other one tells the truth(they both can lie)
that’s what I thought. which is why the whole thing is dumb. just have the fucking stick figures you don’t need to be cute with the restrooms.
Yeah, could be that too.
I was thinking “Men have 2 holes, women have 3.”
Men have two holes, woman three. I assume it is that dumb.
Wait until they learn about the urethra… And nostrils… And ears… And the millions of pores on our skin…
Wait til you hear that eye of newt is just mustard seeds.
My instinct would be to use the one that seems to have a functioning door handle.
Men, who have 2 testes go left, while women who have 3 testes go right. Wait…
They’re gender-neutral. The two and three on the door are so that people can be told which one needs work.
This is the obvious answer to me. And door “one” just isn’t pictured.
Also of interest, door 3 has no handle, but maybe an occupied medallion.
the close faucet is casting two shadows, while the far sink is casting one.
The 3 is well to the right fo the door while the 2 is mostly centered.
While not conclusive, these are red flags for AI.
One google image search later…
Please solve the following puzzle to prove you are a human
i mean.
The two look like boobs, and the three look like a penis, so… Case closed?
The two look like boobs, and the three look like a penis
Due to the fact I’m essentially a 40 year old adolescent i have Olympic gold in seeing penises and (to a lesser extent) tits in everything, but you lost me here…
If this is is the answer it’ll take the cake as most abstract rendition ever.
boobs are two, cuz two boobs.
Penis is three cuz balls, plus one.
Boobs are two circles. Penis head with two balls underneath is the three circles. It’s not a good representation, whoever decided that
The two look like balls, and the three look like a head and boobs.
- Ducks is heads because ducks have heads.
- What kind of scary ass clowns came to your birthday?
I came here to pee but I’ll hold it in to spend some time in the head-in-some-boobs room.
yeah but then where penis?
It could be interpreted as number of major orifices a person has not including eurethra.
possibly, but that would be way too complicated for signage like this, it seems like this is actually just stall numbering inside of a gendered bathroom as per another post in the thread though.
No matter what the signs indicate it is already overcomplicated.
yeah, it’s definitely silly.
Let’s see 2 nostrils…2 ears…mouth… oh shit
We have differing opinions of the word Major.
Well the fact that you thought it necessary to qualify whether the urethra counted as ‘major’ kind of highlights how non-obvious that terminology is in this case.
That’s exactly how I interpret it.