If you want to quickly find RSS feeds without having to view source:
Want My RSS for Firefox
openfeeds for Qutebrowser
Apparently Google has an RSS extension but I haven’t looked into it.
Some RSS tools that are useful:
MoRSS (worked for like, one niche website I look at, but still might be useful)
EDIT: By the way, Facebook has been working very hard to fight RSS at every corner, but most other platforms still support it.
Also, if you use Kontact like I do, it supports RSS feeds through Akregator
Thanks because I have no idea how to even start but this is something I would like to try and see if it’s a good fit for me.
The hardest part is when you have to curate by yourself. To me RSS feels like a lot of work upfront. Is there a tool to help discover items to add to your feed aligned with your interest?
You start with vlogs you like.
Then see who they have in their blog roll.
More seriousl, I have literally used RSS regular since like 2006 or so. And I will NEVER forgive Google for killing Reader.
Anyway, what I mean to say is, its just a growing process. Someone links an article and you say, “Well, this sote seems interesting” and you stick it in your RSS reader.
Next thing you know you are pulling 1000-2000 articles a day, even with limiting filters.
One last bit of advice. Most systems let you export your subs.
I went the Local RSS Reader -> Google Reader -> Feedly -> Self-hosted FreshRSS myself. Kinda went full circle on this.
Sometimes I wonder if we’re all just the same person
Never forget never forgive.
Feedly does a great job of that.
This is where I’ve struggled. I’ve gone and tried once or twice and just kinda got confused and lost and came back to reddit, at that time.
I had the same idea two years ago, this seems like a more involved and detailed take
I use self hosted FreshRSS. I has:
- news straight from the section I care about in chronological order order
- new blog updates
- music review updates
- Bandcamp releases from artists/labels I follow
- open source software releases I follow
- YouTube updates from channels I follow.
- etc
It is by far the best way to get updates about just the things you care about.
I started using FreshRSS around the same time Reddit killed their API, it has rapidly become one of my favorite self-hosted apps.
open source software releases I follow
You have just taught me that I can add github release pages to my feed, I love FreshRSS even more now.
Yes. Monitoring GitHub for releases is great (especially if the project posts change logs). Also, if you are a developer and need to monitor library updates for any deps you app might have, many of those sites also have rss feeds. For example: https://libraries.io/
I use Feeder on android, which just lives on my phone instead of on my server.
Would you say there are distinct advantages to self hosting an RSS reader? Most of the time when im browsing sites and reading it’s on my phone, not my desktop.
I’m at my laptop all day for work so I use it on my laptop, desktop, and phone so syncing is important. Since it support Google reader api, there are a ton of different clients for it too.
I’ve also set my wife up with her own account and it makes sharing articles and feeds with her easy.
I’m a big self hoster and already have an environment set up for it. I don’t know if it is worth setting up servers and vpns and security just for rss.
this is by far my favorite way of browsing the internet nowadays. if they find a way to monetize or kill RSS, i’m getting off the internet
I think it would be hard to re-invent RSS for money, it’s part of why it’s so simple.
RSS as a service makes sense for backend, not front end where most of the money would be made.
And killing RSS is… Kinda here? It’s difficult to get a RSS feed on most websites, unless you can scrape it or find someone who’s done it for you.
Man I should use RSS more…
I get that the idea of rss is sort of a universal protocol for publishing articles, which is really cool, but damnit if you make me parse XML in 2025. As a developer, I would be ok if they modernized RSS feeds.
There’s very robust libraries for most every language that can parse rss for you easily.
But a lot of languages have native support for parsing JSON without the need for a library. When it’s handled by the language, it’s more likely to be done to spec, doesn’t increase bundle size (if that matters to you), and will be considered as updates to the language are made.
I can speak to go, ruby, and PHP: Their libraries for support is per-spec.
Json is pretty great, and sure, if someone wants to make RSS2, using JSON, that’d be fine. But, RSS came long before JSON was even an idea, and XML was the only way we figured out.
RSS’s format is, in fact, so old, there’s been a huge amount of time refining those language’s libs to support RSS just dandy. You never even need to look at the XML.
Idk maybe I’m wrong. I worked for a news outlet for a couple years and I just remember generating and parsing XML to be more work then generating a JSON feed.
It’s not even just parsing. I just remember crawling the parsed JSON tree to not be as nice as navigating a JSON object.
Is there a project to quickly scrape and rssify and website?
Almost all podcasts use RSS so seems pretty alive to me
ArsTechnica kinda does this too, but in a nice way. You can pay to subscribe to a better set of curated feeds, as a part of your subscription.
Hey, Joey, don’t say that shit out loud. Once they realize that there is a way to access content that isn’t sufficiently monetized, they will block it. Keep it secret!
The content creators should be shouting about RSS from the rooftops. The only people that lose out are social networks, and startups. It would be more difficult for a new person to get a foothold, but at least we decide what we want to read on our own.
I remember youtube creators recommending other creators small channels and stuff like that. I want that back.
Hard agree. I’ve had Gamers Nexus introduce me to a few channels but none have been small. I entirely skipped YouTube for most of my life so I missed the small town feel.
I miss Firefox’s Live Bookmarks feature.
Algorithms done right are useful. Make sure things that are likely important to be bubble to the top. I don’t have time to read/watch it all, so prioritize the important things for me.
Done right is the hard part. It is too easy to prioritize memes that make people angry even though if you really investigate you discover that while there is a little truth it is grossly exaggerated and whoever is being mocked isn’t that stupid - because things that make people mad tend to get attention.
The algorithm really needs a “there is plenty more but you have seen all the important stuff - go outside and do something” after I’ve seen what is important. Of course it then needs a “but I’m currently confined to a hospital bed so just show me something so I’m not bored out of my mind”. The likes of facebook of course cannot allow such a thing as once you stop scrolling their ad revenue is gone. However that is what the world needs.
"there is plenty more but you have seen all the important stuff - go outside and do something "
That is lemmy for me. I have removed communities I don’t want to see, and subscribed to a lot of them and sort by hot.
Once the posts start losing quality (up votes) I move on.
Small tip for anyone using Thunderbird as a mail client, it supports RSS feeds! And you can import/export them too.
I remember Google Reader back in the day. I miss that a lot. Is there something comparable that I don’t have to host?
I built https://startyparty.dev/ for just this reason
Looks sick, bookmarked!
Very cool! Thanks for making this and sharing.
Please do recommend RSS apps for all platforms. Currently using:
Android: Read You iOS/Mac: Unread
Android: Read You
Is it available from an app store? I only found the apk on GitHub but I’d rather not update manually.
It’s available on F-droid not sure about playstore.
I use https://miniflux.app/. It’s pretty small, costs $15/year. I do this because I want to keep my feed status across different devices.
I’m not perfectly happy with it. Perhaps it’s a bit too minimal. When I subscribe to an aggregate like Hacker News, it pretty much floods my feed and I get swamped.
If anyone has a slightly better alternative in mind, I’d be happy to hear.
Newsblur in desktop web browser, 36 USD / year
It has a FLOSS version and a more limited free version hosted by them, but the 2.5 GBP / month was worth the QoL increase for me.
Currently, I use Newblur for subscribing to feeds and then link it with other RSS apps. (The NewsBlur mobile app is terrible.)
I’ve been using Feedly on iOS for a few years since google dropped their rss client.
Was on Feedly, have now moved to News Explorer for iOS. Self hosted (runs on device), synchronizes between iOS devices using iCloud
Have you tried Unread on iOS? I find it more intuitive than News Explorer. I find News Explorer to be buggy.